Monday, June 22, 2009

Days 8, 9, 10

I had my 2nd colonic on day 8. It went just as well, and this time we could see alot of small black pieces flowing out through the tube, which Anita said is the old fecal matter that's been stuck in the colon for a long time. We were in a different room this time, so I had a different digital scale to weigh myself on, and this time there was a discrepancy in my weight! Before the first colonic, I weighed myself at home (190 - and not a digital scale) , and it was about the same at the clinic (190.6) I was glad to see my scale was good. This time at home, I weighed in at 178, but the scale at the clinic said 182 - both before and after the colonic. I'd thought about asking if I could go weigh myself at the other scale, but didn't...I'm not THAT concerned about it - I am fitting into pants that I haven't worn in 2 years, so I'm happy!

Days 9 and 10 went OK, nothing new or unusual to report. I still feel good energy, no hunger or cravings for anything. In fact, if am busy, I can easily forget about drinking anything at all for like 4 hours! I have to watch myself! On day 10 at home I weighed 176-77. Yay!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Days 6 & 7

I was so busy at work yesterday that the day flew by before I realized I'd skipped my 10:30 AND 12:30 supplements & lunch, and I REALLY didn't even feel hungry! I just drank my green/berry drink and then tea & water at 3:00, skipped the 4:30 drink, and went on to dinner at 6. Also, I have been completely forgetting my aloe vera juice drink at bedtime!! It then dawned on me that I'm not feeling hungry because of the super-nutrition I'm getting. Thanks for your comments, Christine, and your support! :-) My friends have been much more supportive than my boyfriend, who, on the first day commented, 'Yeah, good luck with not eating any solid food for 21 days!" After the 1st four days when I told him I'd lost 10 lbs., he had the NERVE to look straight ahead at the TV like he didn't even hear me...I said, "Didn't you hear me?!" He said, "Yeah, you NEED to lose weight." YEAH, I KNOW!!! He does not have a positive fiber in his body!! I get absolutely no encouragement from him whatsoever.

I have lost 1 more pound, too! I know that it's mainly water weight I'm losing, but this is a great head start. This is not a diet - it's a detox and it's a great segway into a new lifestyle.

Today after work I'm meeting my parents for dinner - we meet at a restaurant right near the freeway so I can make a quick getaway since I have an hour drive. I'll just take my veggie drink and tea, and also brought some pear juice to put in my tea. I'll be fine!

Tomorrow I go for my 2nd colonic at 12:30. It will be interesting to see what comes out now that I've had all the enzymes to break things down.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Days 2 thru 5

I am putting these days all together because they've been about the same - it's been going extremely well so far. Today is day 5 - I weighed myself and am 180 lbs. I have already lost 10.6 lbs.!! Amazing! I have not yet felt hungry or deprived, which shocks me. I live with my "significant other", and we still have our meals together, and I'm fine with it! On day 4, I was amazed that I was able to sit there while he ate chicken parmesan with rigatoni and garlic bread and it didn't bother me a bit (and I LOVE cheese and garlic)! Yes, it looked and smelled great, but I was able to brush it off! I have never had great willpower, and even secretly doubted that I could even make it this far, but I feel so great and energized, I can't imagine giving this up... and the 10 lb. loss is giving me even greater incentive. I know I have a long way to go, but I am determined!!!

The green/berry drink doesn't taste so great, so I suck it down with a straw (put the straw more toward the back of your throat and you won't really taste it much. I can suck it down in about 16 - 18 gulps!

Yes, the organic stuff is more expensive, but an old friend of mine once asked this, and it's stuck in my mind... "Would you rather spend money on good food now, or doctor's bills later?"

Day 1 - My 1st COLONIC !

YIKES, the colonic!!! The book didn't really say if it should be at the beginning of the day or the end, so I booked it for the beginning to get it over with! If you are apprehensive about the colonic, don't be - it wasn't even half as bad as I'd feared!! Really, a gyno exam is worse!! The appointment took a total of 2.5 hours...OK, I'll take you through it.
I had to first fill out the usual paperwork, then I met with the colonic therapist, Anita, and we talked for a good half hour. She asked about eating habits, sleep habits, health history, and took questions. She shows me a diagram of the colon and stomach and explains how the colon works. She was very nice & professional & really made me feel at ease. In the background loomed "the machine". It was set up against the wall almost like a small entertainment center, with a nice wooden cabinet. There are a couple of dials for water pressure and temp., and in the center was a cut out area through which the clear tubing could be viewed. Finally it was time. Anita left the room so I could undress - everything off but bra & socks - and I put the hospital gown on. I had to pee, and there is a bathroom off this main room, with a digital scale. I weighed myself, and no one even asked my weight. It is 190.6 lbs. (I am 5'5" tall.) I was directed to lay on the gurney on my back (there is a pillow too!). Nice spa music is playing in the background, and the room lighting is more dim than bright. She covered me with a sheet and lifted it just at the bottom to massage my shins with peppermint oil. Anita says it relaxes the colon - and it felt great, helped to relax me too!
She adjusted the machine and showed me the tubing - just like an enema, only it's larger in diameter - about the width of a quarter. It looks huge, but it's very well lubed! I'd had visions of, at this point, she having to spread my cheeks & get it in there, but it wasn't like that at all! I was to do the inserting! I had the sheet covering me, and had to turn onto my left side. She just barely lifted the sheet enough for me to do it, and it was very easy. Once I had it in, she took over from there, and held it in. It REALLY wasn't bad or embarrassing at all!
It's a kind of gradual thing - she lets a little warm water flow in, and it actually feels pretty good! She has me tell her when I feel full, then she lets it out. It doesn't hurt; when you are "full" you just feel a little pressure like you have to poop. Each time you can take a little more. After a maybe 10 or 15 minutes of this, she has me turn onto my back with my legs bent up, and she turns the gurney so I can see what's flowing out through the tube. I actually found it very fascinating!!
After it was over, you go to the bathroom...for me, not much more came out, just a little watery stuff. I weighed myself again, for the heck of it...189.4 lbs.
I felt fantastic afterward. Maybe it was just in my head, but I felt less bloated & already "cleaner".
I really believe the colonic is the most important part of this whole process - once you see the diagram and learn how the colon works with the other organs, then read the elimination therapy chapter in the book, it all makes perfect sense.

Pre-Detox Prep

I'm actually on my 5th day right now, and wasn't going to blog, but thought maybe it would help me get through it, and if it also helps someone else in the process, great! I decided to do this detox in order to get a good head start on losing weight, but I also like the idea of getting toxins, parasites and chemicals cleaned out of my body. After this I intend to not eat any processed foods at all. It's just poison. The book has a great chapter on understanding elimination therapy, and it makes sense to me - not just to lose weight, but for good general health.

After reading some of your blogs, I realized half the battle is the mental game. I did a few things to phsych myself for this journey. The week before I started, I decided to have a last sample of some things I thought I'd miss, and after I'd eaten it, I reminded myself it wasn't THAT great. I thought about how aggravating shopping for clothes is. I thought about when I USED to be 120 lbs., and how I've let myself go. Each year I am FEELING less & less healthy, too...and how much longer am I really going to do this to myself? THIS IS IT!!! I just turned 51, so it's now or never!!!!

Elements of the Detox:
• I bought a good quality juicer, to confirm that I am only going to drink freshly made juices from now on.
• I didn't buy the kit - I bought ala carte from a good health food store, and it's working out to be cheaper. I found a COMBO high-density berry/green drink for $45, so I just use that instead of buying them all separately.
• Instead of new glass containers to store food & juices, I've saved wide-mouthed jars from pickles, etc. Didn't even get a water bottle - for work I took my distilled water jugs and tea, and use my coffee cup = 8oz.... I bring a jar of veggie juice for lunch and a little container of the green/berry mix every day. All that's working out well.
More to come!