Thursday, June 18, 2009

Days 6 & 7

I was so busy at work yesterday that the day flew by before I realized I'd skipped my 10:30 AND 12:30 supplements & lunch, and I REALLY didn't even feel hungry! I just drank my green/berry drink and then tea & water at 3:00, skipped the 4:30 drink, and went on to dinner at 6. Also, I have been completely forgetting my aloe vera juice drink at bedtime!! It then dawned on me that I'm not feeling hungry because of the super-nutrition I'm getting. Thanks for your comments, Christine, and your support! :-) My friends have been much more supportive than my boyfriend, who, on the first day commented, 'Yeah, good luck with not eating any solid food for 21 days!" After the 1st four days when I told him I'd lost 10 lbs., he had the NERVE to look straight ahead at the TV like he didn't even hear me...I said, "Didn't you hear me?!" He said, "Yeah, you NEED to lose weight." YEAH, I KNOW!!! He does not have a positive fiber in his body!! I get absolutely no encouragement from him whatsoever.

I have lost 1 more pound, too! I know that it's mainly water weight I'm losing, but this is a great head start. This is not a diet - it's a detox and it's a great segway into a new lifestyle.

Today after work I'm meeting my parents for dinner - we meet at a restaurant right near the freeway so I can make a quick getaway since I have an hour drive. I'll just take my veggie drink and tea, and also brought some pear juice to put in my tea. I'll be fine!

Tomorrow I go for my 2nd colonic at 12:30. It will be interesting to see what comes out now that I've had all the enzymes to break things down.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested to know how today went. It's almost 11:30 in Chicago, which means you're just about to have your 2nd colonic.

    As for your boyfriend, I don't think he can grasp the concept. Sounds like he just wants to be on another planet. But I think he does understand why you're doing this.

    You have my total support dear. 150%!

    This is great! Really great Sandi! You go!

    Bye for now...
