Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pre-Detox Prep

I'm actually on my 5th day right now, and wasn't going to blog, but thought maybe it would help me get through it, and if it also helps someone else in the process, great! I decided to do this detox in order to get a good head start on losing weight, but I also like the idea of getting toxins, parasites and chemicals cleaned out of my body. After this I intend to not eat any processed foods at all. It's just poison. The book has a great chapter on understanding elimination therapy, and it makes sense to me - not just to lose weight, but for good general health.

After reading some of your blogs, I realized half the battle is the mental game. I did a few things to phsych myself for this journey. The week before I started, I decided to have a last sample of some things I thought I'd miss, and after I'd eaten it, I reminded myself it wasn't THAT great. I thought about how aggravating shopping for clothes is. I thought about when I USED to be 120 lbs., and how I've let myself go. Each year I am FEELING less & less healthy, too...and how much longer am I really going to do this to myself? THIS IS IT!!! I just turned 51, so it's now or never!!!!

Elements of the Detox:
• I bought a good quality juicer, to confirm that I am only going to drink freshly made juices from now on.
• I didn't buy the kit - I bought ala carte from a good health food store, and it's working out to be cheaper. I found a COMBO high-density berry/green drink for $45, so I just use that instead of buying them all separately.
• Instead of new glass containers to store food & juices, I've saved wide-mouthed jars from pickles, etc. Didn't even get a water bottle - for work I took my distilled water jugs and tea, and use my coffee cup = 8oz.... I bring a jar of veggie juice for lunch and a little container of the green/berry mix every day. All that's working out well.
More to come!

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