Monday, June 22, 2009

Days 8, 9, 10

I had my 2nd colonic on day 8. It went just as well, and this time we could see alot of small black pieces flowing out through the tube, which Anita said is the old fecal matter that's been stuck in the colon for a long time. We were in a different room this time, so I had a different digital scale to weigh myself on, and this time there was a discrepancy in my weight! Before the first colonic, I weighed myself at home (190 - and not a digital scale) , and it was about the same at the clinic (190.6) I was glad to see my scale was good. This time at home, I weighed in at 178, but the scale at the clinic said 182 - both before and after the colonic. I'd thought about asking if I could go weigh myself at the other scale, but didn't...I'm not THAT concerned about it - I am fitting into pants that I haven't worn in 2 years, so I'm happy!

Days 9 and 10 went OK, nothing new or unusual to report. I still feel good energy, no hunger or cravings for anything. In fact, if am busy, I can easily forget about drinking anything at all for like 4 hours! I have to watch myself! On day 10 at home I weighed 176-77. Yay!!

1 comment:

  1. Where ya been? How ya feeling? It must be going on Days 11-17. I'm still following you!
